A variety of reports can be produced to give you the information your business needs. A selection of the most popular are available to view by clicking the menu to the left. Or contact us to arrange a no obligation appointment.
The liquor stock audit compares the retail value of all products sold during a period to the revenue of the business to provide a surplus / deficit figure. It shows the actual gross profit achieved, the current stock-holding, the sales mix and the yield. All of which are calculated to ensure that your business is maximising its revenue and profit.
If your cash register or EPOS system produces itemised reads, then then a comparison can be made between the products used and those keyed into the till. This produces individual variances with a surplus or deficit on each product.
All puchases and credits are entered individually into the audit so that any purchase can by highlighted keeping track of price increases, comparison between suppliers, free of charge stock and returns.
A food stock audit consists of a trading account detailing opening and closing stocks, the stock use, the gross profit and details of purchases and credits. Additionally, it includes a valuation list of the current holding stock and latest cost prices.