A number of tools are available to help you to calculate your gross profit.
Or to calculate the required selling price based on a target margin.
This allows you calculate the gross profit being achieved on any product line. Simply select the type of product and enter the cost and selling price, and the GP will be displayed. Bottle sizes and product yields can be customised.
Click the icon to the right to download.

This allows you calculate the gross profit being achieved on any food item. Simply enter the cost of the ingredients and selling price, and the GP will be displayed. Selecting a target GP, will calculate the required selling price. If you enter the selling price and GP, the meal cost will be calculated.
Click the icon to the right to download.

The flash report is helpful for keeping track of your food stock in between audits. This compares your spending with your income and excludes any variance in the stock valuation. Enter the start date, gross revenue, spend and credits for an immediate analysis. Figures entered into each week automatically populate the monthly summary.
Click the icon to the right to download.
The ready reckoner is a useful tool to print and keep to hand. If you are unsure of the selling price of a new product, or the impact of supplier increase; simply take the cost price and multiply it by the figure shown. No complicated formulae to learn.
Click the icon to the right to download.